



What is Edo Saryo ?

Tea utensils, a traditional Japanese culture, refer to the utensils used in tea ceremonies, and are containers for storing matcha and a type of tea utensils that have existed in various types, shapes, and manufacturing methods since ancient times.
A tea utensil is a container for brewing matcha or tea, and the one used to brew strong tea is called a koicha utensil. The tea utensils used to brew weak tea are called usuku tea utensils.

Edo Saryo is an art workshop where participants can experience using their imagination and sensitivity, such as potter's wheel, hand turning, and painting. Participants at Edo Saryo are artists who use their own hands to create a one-of-a-kind original tea utensil using a potter's wheel, hand-weaving, painting, etc., and then slowly enjoy tea and sweets using the tea utensil. This is a plan that you can enjoy.

Edo Saryo also offers a variety of special sake. In addition to tea, you can also enjoy traditional Japanese sake and the world of alcohol at the same time. Please enjoy Japanese tea utensils, tea, and alcohol to your heart's content at Edo Saryo.





What is Edo lacquerware at Edo Saryo?

Edo Saryo is characterized by its [Edo-nuri], created through repeated trial and error. Rather than using a potter's wheel, hand-painting, painting, pottery, or a workshop, the characteristics of Edo-nuri include the freedom to choose from more than 10 types of tea utensils, free style, kintsugi style, and kneading more than 10 types of paint. This technique involves layering, carving, patterning, polishing, and finishing to create tea utensils while heightening the artist's sense to the utmost.

The backbone is the traditional craft [Edo lacquerware] cultivated in Edo = Tokyo for about 260 years, and for the first time we succeeded in coloring it with even more diverse colors. Furthermore, [Edo-nuri] incorporates not only traditional culture but also modern art techniques in the layering, shaving, patterning, polishing, and finishing of tea utensils, and it not only follows the flow of traditional Japanese crafts, but also incorporates techniques from modern art. We will sublimate the work as a collection of Edo-style and Edo scenery in one tea utensil.

In addition to tea, it can also be used for special Japanese alcoholic beverages, sake, allowing you to enjoy the unique aroma and taste of alcoholic beverages and sake. Please enjoy tea and alcohol with this one-of-a-kind original tea utensil.






絵付けとバリスタのワークショップ体験はGOOD VIBES COFFEE。マグカップの絵付けと本格ドリップコーヒーを楽しむ120分のプログラム。お一人、カップル、友人などでご参加くださいませ。


陶芸のワークショップ "Pottery Workshop"


Layered painting, a traditional Japanese craft modern art techniques have been sublimated experience making new tea utensils

江戸塗りによるアート体験 "Art experience using Edo lacquerware"


Art experience using Edo lacquerware based on the Edo period scenery, both traditional and modern freedom to color as you like

五感+六感 "Five senses + six senses"


Enjoy Japanese tea made from carefully selected tea leaves and tea sweets served in a one-of-a-kind original tea set in the world. In addition, Japan has many special sakes, so you can enjoy them with original tea utensils

Edo Saryo 5 steps

江戸茶寮 5つのステップ

  • ①アイデアを膨らませる "Expand your ideas"


    Traditional crafts such as pottery and tea utensils any design, image, or idea I imagine how to color it


    ②色彩を選ぶ "Choose a color"


    Layer and mix from over 10 types of paint, spread it out and create colors as your imagination takes you.


    ③塗る、重ね塗る、削る、模様を入れる、仕上げる "Painting, layering,
    scraping, adding patterns, finishing"


    Coloring, layering, drying, and carving are done on ceramic tea utensils. Finish. Based on the artist's sense I will repaint it over and over again.


    ④茶器でお茶をいただく "Enjoy tea with tea utensils"


    Just looking at the only tea utensil in the world, although it is beautiful, this tea is made with carefully selected tea leaves. Enjoy the finest tea and sweets


    ⑤楽しいおしゃべりの時間 "Enjoyable chat time"
    A moment of conversation while enjoying the best tea and alcohol in a tea set you made yourself is a special time that can only be experienced at Edo Saryo (Craft and Cafe). Enjoy your time while relaxing and forgetting about time.